When asked, "how safe is drinking water?" one may answer that he or she is not quite certain. It is important to recognize the importance of clean drinking water to avoid illness and long-term health problems. When compared to refined bottle water, how safe is drinking water? In the next few paragraphs, the answer will become remarkably clear.
High chlorine levels are one associated element with the question "how safe is drinking water?" Chlorine levels are so very important because the body does need a very small amount, but too much may become lethal.

Chlorine is meant for swimming pools, not drinking water in all honesty. Water may be base or alkaline which leads to different taste as well. Chemical content and charcoal are also very important factors in finding how safe is drinking water. Charcoal is typically used for filtration and high levels of it present in the water may lead to horrible results. The faucet itself that water is coming through may have rust or give a metallic taste to water when directly poured. The elements involved as far as how safe is drinking water, are many.

Standards For Water Quality Defined

When it comes to standards for water quality, epa drinking water regulations are pretty tough to meet. This is simply because the well-being of society and nature is at hand should water not be properly monitored. How safe is drinking water if it ends up causing long-term health issues for the rest of a person's life? At one glance, a bottle of refined pure water is clear, while water directly out of a tap may seem cloudy or gray. The clarity of water, in determining how safe is drinking water, is perhaps one of the most obvious indicators of good or bad.

It is quite possible that a person could drink cloudy water, get sick, and then immediately discover the source. How safe is drinking water when it is not properly clear or refined and it makes a person ill? The next time that the topic of how safe is drinking water comes up, the reader should be well prepared to answer intelligently concerning the matter. Filtered water ensures that high levels of chlorine, charcoal, or other chemicals are not present in the drinking water. Filtered water in bottles also eliminates the possibility of a metallic taste to the water due to a bad faucet or rust present within the pipes that lead to that faucet.