There is no doubt that reverse osmosis home water filters are the ones which provide you with best quality drinking water. However, off late a sort of anti-sentiment is getting developed in users and in industry for reverse osmosis home water filters. Before getting into the details, why the perception is changing for reverse osmosis home water filters, let us first understand what exactly a reverse osmosis home water filter is.

Reverse osmosis is nothing but a filtration process in which a solution is pushed through a filtering membrane (by applying pressure), which keeps the solute on one side of membrane and gives out a pure solvent. Now the thing is, reverse osmosis was developed for industrial use, which now is being used for water filtration process in reverse osmosis home water filters. The problem with reverse osmosis process is, when it is used by reverse osmosis home water filters for purifying drinking water, it also removes minerals from the water. This is the main reason why reverse osmosis home water filters are gathering a bad name for themselves.

What Problem’s Reverse Osmosis Home Water Filter Causes?

Our bodies are nothing but a mixture of water and minerals. When we say this, it also means that our body needs water and minerals at regular intervals to replenish. Simply because water and minerals get consumed in day to day activities if our body. Minerals that our body needs mostly come from the water we drink and the food we eat. So when we use reverse osmosis home water filters as a home drinking water filter, (which does not contain any minerals), our body does not get its regular does of minerals.

Demineralized water, produced by reverse osmosis home water filters is acidic in nature, which ideally should have been alkaline. Now to balance this off, our body starts pulling minerals from our teeth and bones to neutralize this water to make it safe for our body. This is true for every drop of water filtered by a reverse osmosis home water filter. Imagine what would happen to our bodies if we drink water filtered by only reverse osmosis home water filter. The answer is quiet obvious, our body develops mineral deficiency and our teeth and bones start getting brittle.

Of course, you will not develop these problems overnight, but when you drink water filtered by reverse osmosis home water filters for a sustained longer duration, the problems begin to show up. Next tine you think of buying a reverse osmosis home water filter, think of the things mentioned here.