Depending on the size of the house and the source of the water, a whole house water purification system may be needed to meet the water demands of the entire family. While some homes may be able to get by with individual filters or purification units attached to individual water faucets, a whole house water purification system will provide the best water quality possible throughout the entire household. Even using purifiers on faucets from which drinking water is drawn, someone could accidentally swallow some water from a different source, causing them to become ill.
Additionally, water treated with a whole house water purification system can save money on hot water heating costs as it has been shown that unfiltered and unpurified water requires more energy to heat it and clean water will also have a dramatic affect on the taste of foods that are cooked with water. Persons using water from a whole house water purification system also report they feel cleaner after a bath or shower and have much fewer bathtub rings than those using untreated water.
There are several types of whole house water purification systems on the market and depending on the size of the house and the number of family members, water usage can be determined to insure having an adequate supply of water available at all times.
Filtered Water Purified More Efficiently
Water going through a whole house water purification system will be purified more efficiently if the water is filtered before it goes into the whole house water purification unit. Typically, when installed by a professional, the water will enter the home from the source, travel into a filtering unit that removes all of the heavier and larger impurities before going into the whole house water purification system. Especially necessary when using an ultraviolet system where floating sediment provides cover behind which bacteria can hide from the deadly effects of the ultraviolet light.
Ionization is another popular method used in a whole house water purification system as electric charges are blasted into the water to destroy any disease-carrying bacteria. Again, a filtering system needs be a part of the whole house water purification system in order for it to work efficiently.
In most cases, it is always better to install a bypass valve on the inlet of the filtering system so the resources are not wasted when watering lawns, gardens or when washing the car. The water is passed to an outside connection without going through the whole house water purification system, saving money on the use of purified water then its quality from the source will be acceptable.